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Modern Primitive Exchange (MPEx) is a forum of art, design and ideas for living through the End Times. We maintain a blog, write essays, collect media and support programming on this theme. Our mission is to determine what of the so-called “modern” and what of the so-called “primitive” are useful in a contemporary ecology.   We aim to foster skills of self-reliance in the (post) modern world and encourage ecological thinking.


Full Title:
Modern Primitive Exchange


Project Website:

Susannah Sayler and Edward Morris (Sayler / Morris) with Dmitri Siegel and Sinclair Smith

Creative Direction:
Susannah Sayler and Edward Morris (Sayler / Morris)

Blog Editors:
Edward Morris and Henry Peterson

Website Design:
Public Displays of Affection

Supported Artists and Projects:
Jill Allyn Peterson (WILDER Workshops); Leila Nadir + Cary Peppermint (OS Fermentation); DS Institute (Sweat Battery); Last Weekend (Reading the Forest + Forum and Radio Broadcast); Yellow Rose (publication); Canary Lab